Corporate Line

Business Intelligence & Investigations

Due Diligences: Market Access, Commercial Information, Identification of Partners, resolution of potential conflicts of interest, Implementation of Anti-Fraud and Anti-Money Laundering procedures, Audit, Compliance & Vulnerability Assessment.

For an international context, Business and Competitive Intelligence activities are to be considered as strategic business resources for the opportunities of competitive advantage they represent. E.B.I. provides the following services in the national and international area.

Corporate Due Diligences

Commercial, financial and personal information on companies and/or single subject, research and investigations on potential partners, collaborators, agents and suppliers.

Recovery of hidden assets

In case of misappropriation of assets by companies or single person, E.B.I. provides an investigation service to protect the damaged parties, to disclose the complex legal and corporate structures capable of misrepresenting the actual ownership and to implement the specific "compliances" referred to in Art. 6 of Law Decree 231/2001 on adequate internal controls of the company staff against crime, to protect the administrative responsibility of legal representatives, partners, managers and members of the Board of Directors.


Analyzing, identifying and responding to possible fraud within the business organization.

  • Corporate fraud investigations
  • Preventive analysis of business management, accuracy and compliance of accounting records, to protect the interests of parties. Shareholder and partnership disputes, including disputes requiring audits of business management, financial, capital disputes.
  • Criminal and civil investigations requiring the production of financial evidence in court.
  • Economic losses in areas of dispute such as credit recovery, expropriation, product liability, trademark or patent protection and intellectual property violations, any losses attributable to breaches of "non-compete" agreements.
Protection of trademarks and patents - anti-counterfeiting

Worldwide protection of property rights (trademarks and patents) with the setting up of "Institutional" channels for the defense and protection of company know-how; anti-counterfeiting consultancy and investigations, industrial and commercial counterespionage.

Pre-Hire Screening

Checking the personal and professional background of job candidates to ensure their loyalty and moral integrity.

Unfaithfulness of employees/contractors

Survey of activities and behaviors that constitute a legal or non-legal violation of the duty of loyalty.


Searches of events related to the employment relationship, qualifying in the category of malicious absences.

Defection and double work

Assessment of secondary activity not compliant with the primary.

Consulting & Security Management

Organization, Planning and Management of Security of Physical and IT Environments, Temporary Security Management, organization of Events and Meetings, VIP and Executive services.

Globalization of economic processes, national and international competition exacerbated by the world crisis, continuity and spread of the terrorist threat: the elements that have changed the reality and notion of risk.

The protection of tangible and intangible business assets, such as assets, personnel, know-how and corporate image, nowadays requires integration of the security component within various other business processes, as well as the interaction with them. Our staff is able to assess risks and potential threats incurred by users based on specific individual criteria - geographical areas involved, type of business, nature of the activity, profile of managers, employees and suppliers, etc...

In this respect E.B.I. can guarantee the following services.

Security devices

Analysis, design, supply and installation:

  • CCTV, alarm systems, internal and external
  • Access control systems people / vehicles with license plate identification technology
  • GPS management (vehicles and boats/yachts)
  • Security of Telecommunication
  • Data, network and IT security
  • Voice identification
  • Security Robotics
  • System Integration
  • Biometrics
  • Access control with various means/personnel control devices
  • Environmental recovery
  • Recording equipment and monitoring audio-magnetic systems

Analysis of physical security of the systems includes the control of the following aspects:

  • Vulnerability points
  • Surrounding environment
  • Security zone: fences, towers and ground maintenance
  • Alarm and surveillance systems
  • Access: entrances and exits
  • External/internal control of access, customers and visitors, alarms, CCTV
  • Lighting
  • Communications
  • Windows and skylights
  • Locks
  • Parking and vehicle security
  • IT security audit
  • IT security consulting
  • IT penetration testing
Safety and Architectural Planning

The high investments in headquarters and buildings make essential the need to integrate safety standards and requirements. E.B.I., together with its partners, provides its own team of specialists in the area of security planning, working in close cooperation with technicians and business administrators, architects and system manufacturers, in order to optimize the costs of the project even before the implementation, by:

  • Assessment of potential critical points
  • Planning of security systems and areas
  • Integrating security plan into existing architectural projects
  • Quality screening of materials and suppliers of applications/communications systems
  • Quality control during construction
  • Final suitability check of installed security systems with the original plan.
  • European certificates of materials and equipment
Security Management

E.B.I. offers its expertise for the study and development of security engineering projects.

Security Audits, Compliances Review and Inspection Activities

We are skilled in conducting a full audit of Security policies, structures and business processes in the following areas.

Supply chain security

Risks from theft, hi-jacking, and damages are daily faced by all industrial operators. Dealing with organizations or single criminals requires the knowledge of Supply Chain management issues.
E.B.I. can provide highly qualified personnel, supported by legal experts in the area able to satisfy, with targeted contracts, the safe management of transport according to the Law Decree 286/05 and subsequent amendments.
The study before and the realization after, of specific procedures, thanks to our experience of over 30 years in transport and logistic, allows us to minimize the impact of damages and inconveniences, with a safe and considerable economic benefit.

Our services include:

  • Supply chain mapping
  • Risk and threat assessment
  • Monitoring and reporting
  • Audits and due diligence processing
  • Access control of people/vehicles
  • Review, design, supply and installation of security systems
  • The services are also addressed to all transport operators:
  • Shipowners, Shipping Companies, Shipping Agents, Freight Forwarders, Terminals
  • Airlines, Consolidators, Depositaries
  • Rail transports: Depots, Freight Terminals, Stations and Railway Lines
  • Logistic hubs and, more generally, operators and suppliers of logistics services in the following areas: 
    • Audit of Port and Airport environments
    • Evaluation of risk and loss from damage/terrorist acts
    • Reaction and evacuation plans
    • Anti-piracy consulting
    • Training of employees on security measures and plans
ISO 28000

It is the international rule that establishes the requirements for the supply chain security management. The rule offers to all the operators of the logistic chain the tools to guarantee the security of goods and people, favoring trade and supporting the prevention and management of security threat.
E.B.I., through its specialized staff, can offer a consulting support for those companies that plan to use this certification in order to improve the quality standards for an optimized business management.

Events Security

E.B.I. is also able to manage the safety of sports, artistic or cultural events. The control of any kind of threat, such as acts of vandalism, personal violence, theft or burglary, hijacking, arson, sabotage and attacks, etc., can be managed in close collaboration with the specialized staff of the organizing body.

Information Security & Assessment
Design and installation of security equipment. IT intrusion testing. Technical measures and countermeasures, analysis and operation, staff training.

A correct conceptualization of Information Security requires the creation of a dedicated team able to manage both the physical security of the premises as well as the control of employees and various collaborators. If the protection of corporate data and know-how are faced mainly with the threat of external attacks (hacking), a true Information Security has to face all the risks of information capture arising from both internal components of the company (employees) and external to it (contractors, suppliers, consultants, cleaning companies, etc. ..) able to constitute a threat to corporate interests.
In addition to promote a better awareness of the importance of Information Security within the staff, a review and implementation of existing processes can represent a valid feedback of the levels of awareness reached within the organization regarding these issues.

E.B.I. can offer to its users the following services:

  • Information Security
  • Security Engineering and Audits
  • IT Intrusion Tests
  • IT Security
  • Policies and Procedures Review
  • Information Loss Investigations
  • Pre-employment screening
  • Due diligences: supplier, agent and distributor certification
Technical countermeasures

The theft of strategic information and illegal access to the communication systems of companies, often difficult to detect, are always at the origin of serious damages to the activities and to the company results, besides being a threat to the reputation and to the public image of the company. The identification of new and sophisticated listening devices requires high technology equipment and an important technical know-how. Our technicians have a long experience in the area of security countermeasures and technologies applied to Security, offering a wide range of services and performances including:

  • Deep monitoring of the radio spectrum in order to determine possible electronic activity in the areas under review. Identification of digital audio devices, analogue radio transmitters, as well as video signals generated by camera operations
  • Telecommunications, evaluation of all telephone activity including distribution boxes, 'mainframe' telephones and cabling to search for illicit wiretapping on both fixed and radio networks
  • Examination of the power supply for the detection of the presence on the 'powered network' of hidden devices or circuits used as transmission means
  • Physical research with scans of ceilings, floors and cavities, furniture and fabrics to highlight the hidden presence of recording and transmission systems
  • Evaluation of the possible external attack to ascertain the improper use of optical devices or high-frequency systems - so-called "audio capture" - for external environmental interceptions

Final Information Security Audit at the end of investigations and surveys regarding physical security and access controls.

Technology Support for International Development

Globalization processes are forcing more and more national companies and SMEs to operate abroad, in areas often unknown and/or high risk. In this respect, it is important to emphasize the strong link between international economic development and primary values such as socio-political stability, quality of services provided locally and security needs.

The opportunities for development resulting from the globalization of economies on a global scale create new security problems: threats, turmoil and local conflicts are having an increasing impact on international problems.
However, government institutions in economically emerging countries do not always have the necessary knowledge, the economic and material resources to face such dangers or to deal with such lacks. In order to assist companies in their international processes, E.B.I., thanks to partnership agreements with the main global operators in the area, can offer specialized service providers able to operate in the main high risk geographical areas in more than 80 countries, and to meet the needs of users in an efficient way.

Risk Assessment

Detailed and localized analysis of Country Risk in relation to political, economic, financial and institutional context.

Plan and implementation of stabilization programs

Peace building operations, disarmament, election plan or humanitarian projects for international parties or NGOs and governmental institutions.

Market Access and foreign partnership certification

Information, legal and planning assistance to foreign settlement, due diligence, certification of agents, suppliers, investors and candidates for employment finalized to open a new commercial trade as the acquisition of foreign activities (joint ventures, merges) even through facilitated institutional access to local decision makers, in political, economic and financial areas.

Large Project Management

Safety engineering of large projects (Gas & Oil, Mining, Shipbuilding, Tourism, etc.) in high-risk countries to protect tangible and intangible assets, with a socio economic approach to promote the prevention of potential environmental conflicts.

Protection of corporate image

Defense of corporate image from smear campaigns and tampering due to corruption, fraud and human rights violations through preventive monitoring and counter information initiatives.

High Value of International Transport Security

Personnel and cargo protection (both sea and land) from sabotage, theft, fraud, damage and acts of piracy.

Training and Awareness Programs

For the sake of traveling and overseas company, technical and managing personnel - and their families - by means of specific training on safety measures and measures provided by specialized operators.

Membership Associations

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