Personal Line

Identification search

Check at the Municipal Register Office to find out the residence, domicile and family members of the person requested as well as the occupation.

Prejudicial research

Check with the court, the Albo Pretorio and the Conservatory of the Real Estate Registries to ascertain if there are any prejudicial notices notified, for unavailability of the person requested and check for any news reported in the press, in the E.B.I. database, or in other media

Identification of possible ownership

Check with public offices of ownership of licenses, permits, retail and patents.

Assets and property records

Check at the Conservatory of Real Estate Registries, the Public Motor Vehicle Register, the Land Registry Office (Cadastre) and the Chamber of Commerce, in order to verify the consistency of assets, also in order to take action to recover debts.

Research of missing persons

Search for people on the national territory and abroad, in any country.

Investigations of minors

Research to prevent prejudicial facts and situations.

Marriage investigations (marital infidelity)

Investigations of behaviours to protect family relationships.

Photo and video shots

Documents of events in respect of privacy.

Assets and property records

Research and assessment of ownership and possession related to any asset.

Custody of minors

Assessment of the existence of the requirements for entitlement to custody of minors.

Family violence

Research and investigation of violent behavior occurring within the family unit.

Assets assessments for separated or divorced spouses

Searches and assets identifications aimed at defining the real incomes of the spouse.

Harassment, blackmail and extortion

Research of the perpetrators, prevention of harmful acts, assistance in reporting to the authorities.


Searches in Italy and abroad of assets and activities.

In our research we apply advanced technologies and technical tools. We provide in real time every kind of information on activities of information, investigation, prevention, protection and assistance.

Membership Associations

Membership Associations

Deep Research Reports

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Worldwide Availability

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We work in partnership with all the major technology suppliers


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